Tuesday 19 March 2013

First Reflective Statement

1- This course is about how to develop our knowledge academically in writing and reading which I have learnt in LSC 1103. In this course we have to learn how to memorize different materials from different sources such as newspapers, magazines and websites using APA referencing.
2- During the first three weeks I learnt how to create a blog in www.blogger.com. The teacher asked me to link my blog with his blog as a portfolio. Also, I did a summary about the Hajj and how it proceeds then I posted to the blogger to be corrected.
3- I think I will learn how to summarize academic articles using the strategies that Hedley will teach us. Also, in this course I am willing to learn how to be able to develop my reading strategies. In addition, I should know new academic vocabulary and know how to spell them correctly.
4- I know that Hedley is my English teacher. He is from Newcastle, England. I know that Hedley is married with two daughters Kate and Emma and four grandchildren Louisa, William, Harry and Ruby. He told us that he travelled to Hong Kong, Saudi Arabia, Australia and Hawaii.

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