Tuesday 19 March 2013

New Pearl Museum opens in RAK

The precious pearl has two ancient myths which said it has two mothers. One said it is Bint Al Matar and the other said it is Bint Al Qamar. The pearl in RAK amazed the merchants in the past and had an impact on the economy. RAK was known as Julfar where the pearl was being fished. In 1930s the artificial pearl which created was by Japanese took on natural pearl’s place. Natural pearls occur naturally in oysters but the cultured pearls are created artificially. Although the natural pearl industry collapsed it still has impact on Emirati women. The oyster’s shell is used for design, its edible interior as good and the remains are used as fertilizer. The local pearls born in RAK’s water have different shapes, sizes and colors. The first floor of the museum is a historical journey which has tools and gear worn by the divers. Even though the divers had protection some suffered from blindness and deafness. Divers took in their trip all what they needed like cannon as a signal to return and shisha. The second floor is to display famous pearls and how to distinguish between them. Buddha oyster shell is also in display. Finally, RAK’s 12mm “Miracle of Arabia” pearl is displayed.

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