Sunday 24 March 2013

Youth put skills ahead of money

In January 2013, from different universities in the UAE, 50 students participated in a live voting session. 30% of students said the opportunity for growth and promotion is the most important factor in a job offer; 20% of students said learning new skills is the top factor; 18% said work environment and culture; while 10% said salary is first. As a result for the voting, students consider working for the private sector is more demand than working for the government. In addition, students’ main issue about working in the private sector was competition for promotion and recognition while in the government sector the issue is dealing with routine. Universities help its graduated students to have full awareness about working for the private sectors by different ways, like job fairs, career guidance and workshops with corporate guests. According to a survey of Emirati youth, 70% said when deciding on a job there are factors other than salary and benefits which are more important; while 30% of the university students considered growth and promotion are the most important in selecting a job. This edition of Tawdheef will see a renewed focus on the recruitment of Emiratis and expatriates.
More than half of the participants at the forum prefer to get their jobs immediately after graduation rather than higher education or entrepreneurship opportunities.    

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